Royal Kraków Golf & Friends - Silherovice

Royal Kraków Golf & Friends - Silherovice
30 maj 2024Golf Course ©ilheřovice (CZ)

cz©ilheřovice (CZ)

Master 18-hole golf course Park Golf Club in ©ilheřovice is sensibly situated in an exquisite landscaped park, founded at the beginning of 19th century. The chateau, which is the dominating feature of the park, was property of the Rothschild family in the years 1844-1945. The course was built according to Ing. Jan Cieslar’s design in 1968. Customised historical tropical greenhouse on the lakeside serves as a clubhouse. Despite the course not being extremely long, the game is not simple and requires accuracy thanks to great number of hundreds of years old trees.


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