Twin Chapels Golf Resort

Strona Główna : Mistrzostwa Klubu RKG&CC : Twin Chapels Golf Resort
  1. Twin Chapels Golf
  2. Twin Chapels Golf Resort+420 602 310 849
  3. Twin Chapels Golf
GR I. 0-12
Mistrz Pola HCP
GR II. 12-18
Mistrz Pola HCP
GR III. 18-24
Mistrz Pola HCP
GR IV. 24-54
Mistrz Pola HCP

Brak rankigu zawodników do wyświetlenia dla tego pola

Twin Chapels – a modern golf resort which will attract not only golf sport lovers, but also nature and pleasant ambience lovers of all the age categories. The Twin Chapels locality is attractive not only for its excellent accessibility from the eastern part of Prague, but also to the surrounding nature looking over the Central Bohemian Uplands with a silhouette of the Říp Mount and with views of Vinoř and Ctěnice palaces.

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